Guess what?
You are not the only copywriter with copywriting fears.
So hey, deep breaths.
Even the best copywriters sometimes grapple with overwhelming aspects of copywriting. Take the famous writer’s block, for example; you wake up on a sunny morning ready to write up a storm. You open your computer, and just like the white page staring you straight in the face, your mind goes completely blank.
Stress creeps in.
You hear the ugly voice of fear screaming in your head:
“You’re not ready for this stuff. New ground. Not safe. EJECT. RUN AWAY!”
Sounds familiar, right?
While it can be a motivator, fear can also be crippling.
How do you overcome your copywriting fears?
You’re about to find out in this blog post.
Identifying your Copywriting Fears
If you’re going to live the writing life, at some point, you have to decide to deal with your copywriting fears head-on and overcome them because they have the potential to hold you back, limit, or even sink you. The first step to overcoming your copywriting fears is identifying them. Some common fears writers experience include:
- Fear of Conflict: Copywriting, like any other business, is not devoid of conflict. To make it as a copywriter, you have to overcome your fear of conflict— with colleagues, clients, or anybody, for that matter.
- Writer’s block: We all struggle(d) with the overwhelming feeling of staring at a blank page for a while and being unable to find the right words.
- Imposter syndrome: You know, that feeling of self-doubt regardless of your education and accomplishments.
5 Tips for Conquering Copywriting Fears
Now that you can identify some common fears you struggle with, let’s discuss how to deal with them.
1. Work on your conflict management and resolution skills.
We all dream of a world without conflict. Sadly, it can be inevitable when working with humans.
As a copywriter, it is normal to experience conflicts with clients, team members, and even employers; and when these conflicts arise, instead of freaking out, your best bet will be to manage and resolve them.
Here are a few conflict resolution tips for you to find common grounds and move forward with your copywriting projects:
- Address conflicts as soon as they arise.
- Actively listen to hear the other party out and understand their perception.
- Understand that strong emotions have the potential to inhibit logical reasoning. Do yourself a favor and set emotions aside during conflict resolution.
- Be on the lookout for the common grounds you and the other party share.
- Work out and agree on possible solutions and action plans.
By applying these tips, you and other parties can resolve conflicts—instead of running for the hills in fear.
Can you see there is nothing to be afraid of about conflict? I bet you can.
2. Murder imposter syndrome
It happens all the time; you put in your best work, but when the rewards and praises start tripping in, you take several steps back, suddenly overwhelmed with the thought that you are undeserving, inadequate, or unworthy of commendable achievements. That dear copywriter is imposter syndrome, slowly wrapping its claws around you.
Sadly, as harmless as those thoughts may seem, they have the potential to kill your copywriting career; if you let them. So what should you do when the imposter syndrome monster rears its head? Kill it.
The first step in dealing with imposter syndrome is identifying the root cause.
Is it perfectionism?
Low self-esteem?
Pressures of over-expectation?
Whatever the cause, you owe it to yourself to seek help where necessary to tackle it.
Next, you want to build a network of confidants that help you celebrate and bask in your accomplishments.
3. Break free from writer’s block
A blank page waiting to be filled with words that make sense to an audience can be intimidating—even to the best copywriters.
But hey.
You are a writer.
And writers write despite the occasional writer’s block they may experience every now and then.
You’ll be depriving the world of your incredible ability to weave words into compelling and valuable pieces if you give into your fear of seeming overwhelming blank pages. To avoid this, check out the following tips for overcoming writer’s block—and, by extension, the fear of it:
- Read! Read!! And read some more!!!: Make it a habit to read something every day because whether you know it or not, the more you read, the better you write.
- Take breaks: I hate to break this to you, but you are not Superman, or maybe you are, but even superheroes need rest sometime. If you don’t get enough sleep, your writing suffers. Take breaks. Build a sleep routine. Talk walks. Breathe.
- Figure yourself out: What kind of person are you? Morning? Afternoon? Evening? Figure out the time of day when your creative juices flow the most and write away.
- Clean up your space: You’ll be amazed at how much the state of your living space can inspire or limit your creativity. You might want to get organized and clean up your space.
4. Find a mentor
Another way to overcome your copywriting fears as a rookie is to find a mentor in the copywriting space to coach and guide you on your journey. This way you’ll have a professional pointing out your strengths and weaknesses, celebrating your wins, and guiding you on the right part to success.
The Joys of Copywriting Without Fears
With fear out of the way, copywriting becomes more of a walk in the park with every day that passes. So keep your head high. Shake off your fears. Go, change the world one copy at a time. And hey, if you are interested in copywriting and searching for a safe space to learn the skill, boost your confidence, and write without fears, we at The Fourth Writers Academy got you covered. Feel free to send us a message.
2 Responses
A wonderful and well-informative article.
This is beautiful. I’ll deal with my copywriting fears today! Thanks for the tips.