6 Tips for Writing SEO-Inclined Content

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6 Tips for Writing SEO-Inclined Content

Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO, is a buzzword nowadays. If you listen closely enough, you’ll hear most Toms with a website, Dicks with a blog, and Harrys with a landing page, throwing the word around at the slightest opportunity, and with good reason— who doesn’t love increased website traffic, sales, and visibility?  

The challenge is that many brand and business owners spend time and resources on SEO with little or no SEO success to show, which can be frustrating. You want to increase your rankings, not get kicked to the back row.

In truth, SEO is not rocket science. All you need is to find what works and stick to it. And guess what? If you keep reading, you’ll learn at least five proven tips for nailing SEO.

Why is SEO important?

SEO is a big deal if you want more traffic from more sources than just paid advertising. Search engines, like Google, receive at least 8.5 billion queries daily from potential leads in search of answers and solutions to their problems. That is a lot of potential traffic for your website if you know how to milk it.

Is SEO worth the hype?

 Should you go through the hassles of optimizing your website content search engines? 

Well, here are a few benefits of SEO to help you decide:

  • Improved user experience: With relevant content and good website usability, visitors will most likely spend more time on your website. Remember, the main focus of SEO is the end user—not you or the search engines.
  • Increased website visibility and rankings: As you might already know, the first page of any search engine results is considered the most relevant. It’s the reason 75% of web users never click past it. When done right, SEO moves you up the ranks, boosts your website visibility and rankings, and, by extension, increases the chances of your website being found by the right audience.
  • Increased website traffic: With increased visibility and rankings comes increased website traffic. Think of it like having a shop in a popular and accessible location, with an attractive signpost outside—more people are likely to come in and shop. Likewise, if your website is easy to find on search engines, it is only normal to expect more traffic. More traffic means more potential leads, sales,  and conversions.

Tips for writing SEO-Inclined content

Person using a laptop computer

If you are ever interested in enjoying the perks of SEO, you’ll find the following tips very useful for writing SEO-optimized content and improving your rankings and visibility.

1. Become obsessed with your audience

Yes, you read that right—to nail your SEO efforts, you must become an audience-loving business owner, placing your audience and their needs above your brand and its needs.

Why is this important?

For starters, everything revolves around your audience. They are the key to everything—traffic, conversions, and sales. And so you must study them thoroughly to create content that resonates with them.  

SEO is more than just publishing content and hoping for the best.  

Who is the content for?

What makes them tick?

Do they have goals and interests?

What are the problems that keep them up at night?

What does happily ever after look like for them? 

With answers to these questions, you can start creating high-quality content your audience finds valuable and would give anything to see. This is how you win their hearts without trying too hard because now you know who they are and what they want, and you provide the answers they seek in relatable content.

2. Carry out thorough keyword research

It’s a repeated cycle that happens every day— people searching for answers and solutions type in billions of keywords and phrases into the search bars of search engines like Google. If you play your cards right, these search engines will display your website content every time someone types specific keywords and phrases relating to the products and services you offer, and that would be akin to you hitting the jackpot.

Since it all begins with a keyword or phrase, it helps to conduct thorough keyword research to find what your audience is searching for. Using the right keyword in your content can mean the difference between thousands of visits per month or none altogether.

There are many free and paid keyword research tools, like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, Semrush, and Moz, that you can use to research relevant keywords for your website content. Another place to look is the search suggestions from Google, as they can provide valuable content ideas.  

3. Optimize keywords in your content

Three men using Macbooks

Finding the right keywords is great, but nothing beats optimizing your keywords the right way throughout your content, which is a HUGE part of SEO

People often wonder how many keywords to include in their content. In truth, there are no hard and fast rules or maybe just one—find a balance and avoid keyword stuffing. Specifically, you should be sure that your keyword appears in: 

  • Title tags: Every page should have a unique, descriptive title tag, including relevant keywords.
  • URL structure: It pays to use a consistent and clear URL structure that includes keywords.
  • Meta descriptions: A good meta description can increase organic CTR. You should include a meta description that describes the page’s content and includes relevant keywords. 
  • Headings: Organize the content on your page with proper headings (H1, H2, etc.) and include relevant keywords.

4. Write high-quality content.

It makes no difference how many keywords you use or SEO tips you follow; if your content is not engaging, nobody will read it. If you want high Google rankings, you must write high-quality content that your readers find useful and authentic. This might be the most valuable SEO tip anyone can give you!

Ask yourself: 

Do I know my audience?

Is my content relevant to them?

Does it resonate with their interests or address their pain points? 

Search engines like Google prioritize websites that provide the best answers to their end user’s search queries. Good content signals Google’s algorithms that your website is a good resource for its users. If your content provides what the end users need, Google will reward you with good ranks because you’ll be helping them offer quality services to their clients.  

5. Use internal and external links.

Links are like the building blocks of the internet. They connect websites and help search engines understand your site’s structure and relevance. They are also helpful because they point users to related content on your site.

Some other perks of using external and internal links in your website content include:

  • Increased site engagement.
  • Improved search engine visibility.
  • Improved website crawlability.
  • Higher website credibility.

6. Track  Performance

Woman placing sticky notes on a wall

One common SEO mistake most people make is employing the set-it-and-forget-it approach, a recipe for failure. It is one thing to optimize your website and its content for search engines, and it’s another thing to monitor your SEO performance from time to time. The latter is how you achieve SEO success.

By tracking SEO performance, you can measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make vital decisions to improve your website’s search engine rankings. Furthermore, tracking SEO performance can help you keep up with industry trends and adapt to algorithm changes.

The ball is in your court.

Now that you know these tips for writing SEO-inclined content and growing your visibility and rankings, the ball is in your court to get in on the action. 

It is essential to note that SEO takes time to yield results. However, if you keep at it and review your progress regularly, you will see results that will blow your mind. So put on your patient pants and get to work.

And if you ever need help creating content that will boost your ranking and visibility, we at The Fourth Writers can help you. We are a team of copywriters who have mastered the ins and outs of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and writing quality content that resonates with the right audience. 

We are a few clicks away. Feel free to reach out. 

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