4 Benefits of consistent content marketing

The Fourth Blog

4 Benefits of consistent content marketing

You know what they say about content— it is king, and unless you want to stand on the sidelines and watch your competition rake in the big bucks from consistent content marketing, you might want to jump on the bandwagon.

You see, content is the new currency.

Want to increase your reach? Create content.

Want to boost your sales figures? Create more content.

Want to increase your reach and keep your audience connected to your brand? You guessed right—keep the content coming.

Creating content only when you feel a burst of creativity won’t magically deliver the results of content marketing. The secret to a worthwhile content marketing strategy is creating valuable content consistently, with emphasis on ‘consistently.’ 

Why content marketing?

The real question, I think, should be, why not content marketing? Content is what almost everyone, including your clients and potential clients, consumes these days. No wonder 82% of marketers actively use content marketing— It is a literal goldmine with the potential to multiply your reach and conversions.

 Is content marketing worth it?

Should you join the army of marketers exploring it for their brands?

Allow me to show you five benefits you and your brand stand to gain from consistent content marketing, and then you can decide. 

Sound good?

Okay, Let’s jump right in.

1. Good Ol’ Brand Awareness

People sitting in an office with open laptops

As unique as your products and services are, your brand may not be top of mind when potential clients encounter the problems they solve or the needs they meet. Of course, there are possibly hundreds and thousands—maybe even millions—of brands offering similar solutions as your brand.

How do you become a top-of-mind brand?

It’s simple, brand awareness—the kind that makes people think of Chanel or Louis Vuitton when they want luxury. 

One of the ways to spread and boost brand awareness is through content marketing. It’s why 96 percent of all marketing decision-makers attribute their brand success to content marketing.

Your brand story can be the same too.

Imagine what it would look like for your brand if your target audience started seeing your website as a treasure chest where they could find valuable answers to their questions. Boy, would that impact your sales and conversions? You bet it would.

2. Thought leadership

Ever heard of Neil Patel? If you haven’t then you are probably not a digital marketing enthusiast. But if you are, there is a—very very very— high chance you have heard of the guy. Through consistent content marketing, Neil has established himself as an authority in the digital marketing field, a thought leader.

The same goes for Brian Dean’s Backlinko blog, which has become a renowned and trusted hub for all things SEO.

Thought leadership is one of the beautiful perks of consistent content marketing. The logic is simple. If you create valuable and insightful content around a niche long enough, you’ll become a go-to person for everything relating to that niche. 

The result?

Lead nurturing, brand awareness, sales, and conversions. A win-win!

3. Increased visibility

It happens every day— 8.5 billion searches on Google; every single day. Each search begins with a keyword or phrase typed into a search bar, triggering Google bots to crawl through billions of pages on the web in search of websites that answers the query to display.

Consistent content marketing, when done right, positions your website for Google bots to find when searching for web pages that provide relevant and valuable answers to its user’s queries. In other words, it can increase your brand’s visibility by showing your website on the top pages of Google search engines. Consequently, the more visibility your brand has, the more leads you generate and the more brand awareness you create.

4. Brand trust

A woman sitting at a table with a laptop

There is only so much you can do to build trust with your target audience if they perceive your brand as lacking personality. You want to be known as a caring brand that looks out for its audience, a brand with a voice and personality that resonates, and one of the most effective ways to do it is through consistent content marketing.

There is something called the psychology of reciprocity. It is the tendency for humans to want to return a favor. 

How does this apply to content marketing and brand trust?

Think of it this way—the more value and insight you share with your audience in the form of content, the better relationship you build with them, and the more inclined they are to trust your brand enough to return the favor. 

Great content also increases the likelihood that your target audience would trust your ideas, recommendations, products, and services because they would perceive them as coming from a trustworthy brand.

Ultimately, brand trust impacts sales and conversions because people buy from brands they can trust.  

Get the ball rolling!!!

Brand awareness? Thought leadership?? Increased visibility??? Brand trust???

If you’re not sold on content marketing already, then maybe you like the view from the sidelines, watching your competition enjoy its perks while you miss out. But hey, if you read up to this point, it proves you love your brand and would do anything to keep it profitable. Seeing that content marketing is one of your best bets, now is a great time to get the ball rolling. 

Consistent content marketing has proven to get businesses and brands from point A to B, B being consistent sales, conversion, visibility, and whatnot. Thankfully, content marketing is our Forte at The Fourth Writers, and we would be delighted to put our years of copywriting experience to good use for your brand.

Feel free to reach out to us to get started. Can’t wait!!!

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